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5 Ways Owning Your Home Can Be Cheaper Than Renting

Rose Voorhees Real Estate

The Blog

How to Avoid the Three Biggest Homeownership Blunders Everyone wants to avoid these three biggies: Don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent these blunders. Here’s a rundown of the simple steps you can take to keep your home in tiptop shape – what to look out for, how to prevent […]

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Get Going on Your Home Maintenance Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. Don’t make that your mantra when it comes to your home’s maintenance! Preventative maintenance is worth your time and money NOW to avoid costly home disasters later. You don’t want to be the one saying, “I should’ve caulked those windows for a few bucks a tube,” […]

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20 Survival Tips for Homeowners Being a homeowner can be exciting and fun at times, with lots of freedom to make it your own space!  As a homeowner, though, you’re the one in charge of any repairs, maintenance, finances, and improvements over the long haul.  Whether you’re a first time homeowner or you’ve owned many, […]

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Q and A: The 3 Questions Most Asked by Past Clients I believe my job doesn’t end at the settlement table, and I want to be your resource for all things real estate related even after you move into your first home.  Below are the questions asked most by past clients who have bought a […]

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Quick Tips to Lower Your Homeowner’s Insurance How to Protect Your Home (and Not Break Your Budget) Series Our 4-week series is a must for every homeowner. Once you buy a home, it’s now all your responsibility! But are you truly prepared for the unexpected? This series is a great overview on what you need […]

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Hi, I’m Rose Voorhees and I love helping first time homebuyers in Seattle make buying their first home more affordable. Let me show you how! 

Having lived and worked in Seattle for over a decade, I am passionate about making homeownership accessible to the people responsible for this city's valuable culture and community. 

For that reason, I work with first time homebuyers to help them build wealth and stability in a city where rent continually prices out the very people who built it.

Contact me today to learn how to achieve your homeownership dreams. Schedule a free consultation now!

let's do this!

Say goodbye to renting and hello to your very own home

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