Should You Buy When Interest Rates Are High? Making the jump from renting to homeownership can be incredibly intimidating, and how do you know if this is a “good market” to buy in? The answer may surprise you. While interest rates have been higher in the last year or two, home prices have decreased and […]
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5 Steps to Obtaining a Mortgage Love Buying a Home series – Week 6 My step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day, and all the details in between. Every first-time buyer will find this information-packed series easy to follow and understand. Make sure […]
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Where to Find Money for Your Down Payment Love Buying a Home Series – Week 5 My step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day, and all the details in between. Every first-time buyer will find this information-packed series easy to follow and understand. […]
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Do the Math – A Mortgage You Can Afford Love Buying a Home Series – Week 4 My step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day, and all the details in between. Every first-time buyer will find this information-packed series easy to follow and […]
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3 Common Mistakes that Lower Credit Scores Whether you know it or not, there might be things you are doing that can effect your credit score for the worse. Even if you aren’t buying a home anytime soon, you don’t want to be surprised by your credit score when you want to buy a […]
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How Your Needs and Desires Lead to “Home Sweet Home” Love Buying a Home – Week 3 My step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day, and even to maintaining your home after you’re all moved in. Every first-time buyer will find this information-packed […]
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Q and A: The 3 Questions Most Asked by Past Clients I believe my job doesn’t end at the settlement table, and I want to be your resource for all things real estate related even after you move into your first home. Below are the questions asked most by past clients who have bought a […]
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Choosing The Very Best Buyer’s Agent for YOUR Unique Home Search in Seattle Love Buying a Home Series This step-by-step series will take you through the entire home-buying process — from finding a buyer’s agent to settlement day, and even to maintaining your home after you’re all moved in. Every first-time buyer will find this […]
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Love Buying a Home in Seattle Series — A First-Timer’s Guide If you’ve been thinking about buying a home and are just not sure of the steps involved or even where to start, then this 14-part series is a MUST read for you. Each week, you’ll get great tips and easy-to-understand how to’s that will […]
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Why You Should Know Your Exact Credit Score Are you giving your credit score the attention it deserves? If you’re even thinking about buying a home or refinancing your current one in the near future, then you need to show it some love. Make sure you understand the ins and outs of your score and […]
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Having lived and worked in Seattle for over a decade, I am passionate about making homeownership accessible to the people responsible for this city's valuable culture and community.
For that reason, I work with first time homebuyers to help them build wealth and stability in a city where rent continually prices out the very people who built it.
Contact me today to learn how to achieve your homeownership dreams. Schedule a free consultation now!